Dinner at Home

As you juggle new school routines and fall activities, we invite you to look to us, your grocer, for help. When it comes to making more shared mealtimes happen for your busy family, we are ready! We have been a part of a movement for several years, National Family Meals Month. We are doing more to help our local families share one more meal per week at home with their family. From one of our delicious recipes pictured above found in our exclusive recipe box at festivalfoods.net/cooking. Or we offer an ever-expanded assortment of products that take the stress out of planning and preparing family meals: pre-prepped fresh ingredients, delicious readymade entrees and wholesome heat and eat side dishes. Regular family meals help with family connectedness, communication, expressiveness and problem solving. Have fun with the pledge and help us bring national awareness to the benefits of family meals. Join us with Raise Your Mitt to Commitâ„¢ and have some fun! Raise your mitts and take a family pic and share it with your family and friends with hashtag #familymealsmonth
Or to learn more, go to: https://www.fmi.org/family-meals-movement

Every night you can count on fresh prepared meals from our kitchen at Festival Foods. Easy, great-tasting choices your family will enjoy!

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