In the height of summer, when rhubarb blushes crimson and raspberries burst with sweetness, there’s no better time to savor the vibrant flavors in a Raspberry Rhubarb Cosmopolitan. This cocktail marries the tartness of rhubarb with the brightness of raspberries, creating a symphony of flavors perfect for warm evenings and lively gatherings.

To craft this refreshing libation, start by preparing a delightful Raspberry Rhubarb Simple Syrup. This essence of summer will infuse your cocktail with a depth that lingers on the palate.

The recipe can be found here.

I’ll walk you through making the simple syrup and crafting the cocktail in the following steps.

The first step is the simple syrup and the star of the cocktail.  You want to add the rhubarb (fresh or frozen), raspberries, and water to a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.  Lower the heat to medium-low once boiling, cover, and cook until the rhubarb is tender, which will take about 10 minutes.  Stir occasionally to break up the fruit and release the juices.

Set a fine mesh strainer that is lined with a cheese cloth over a bowl or large measuring cup.  Pour the mixture into the strainer to strain the juice and discard any solid pieces.  Use the back of a spoon to help squeeze out any remaining juice.

Measure the strained juice (this is where measuring overing a measuring cup comes in handy) and add enough water to bring the juice to equal 2 cups.  You shouldn’t have to add much water.

Add the liquid back to the saucepan and heat over medium-high heat.  Add the sugar and stir until dissolved, about 5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice.  Let the mixture cool completely.  If there are any seeds from the lemons, strain before storing in a jar.

Two things to note: the syrup should be stored in the refrigerator and will last 2 weeks.

You are now ready to make the Cosmopolitan!

  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  • Add the vodka (brand of choice), orange liqueur (we prefer Cointreau), raspberry rhubarb syrup (what you just made fresh), and lime juice (freshly squeezed or store bought).
  • Shake vigorously and strain into a martini glass.
  • Enjoy as is or garnish with fresh raspberries.


Please note, this recipe is for ONE cocktail, but the simple syrup recipe will yield slightly over 2 cups of Raspberry Rhubarb Simple Syrup.  Both recipes can be found here.

The Raspberry Rhubarb Cosmopolitan is a drink that transforms any occasion into a vibrant celebration, leaving a lingering impression of warmth and flavor long after the last sip. Whether enjoyed at a sunset soirée or a cozy gathering, this cocktail embodies the essence of summer in every refreshing, delightful drop.


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