Tag Archives: Empanada
December 4, 2020
Vegan Vegetable Empanadas

Have you ever had an Empanada? They are common in Southern Europe, Latin America, and the Philippines but I’m sure you’ve noticed them as a menu item from time to time. Empanadas are essentially pockets of dough with some kind of filling; typically, meat, cheese, and vegetables, or any combination of those. I think they are pretty easy to make and tend to feed a crowd because the recipe makes so many. And they are often freezer friendly so you can have leftovers for another day. You do want to be careful with what kind of vegetable you use in empanadas because some vegetables hold up better when being used as filling. For instance, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc. all work very well. Squash, tomatoes, or other watery vegetables will need to be drained before using, otherwise you will be left with some soggy dough! So, feel free … Continue reading
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