Tag Archives: King Cake
February 22, 2022
Homestyle Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is Tuesday, March 1st this year. I believe it always falls on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, signifying the end of Carnival season and the start of Lenten season, but please correct me if you are more knowledgeable on these details than I am 😊 Tuesdays aren’t usually something people get excited over, unless it’s Taco Tuesday, but Mardi Gras gives you something to look forward to. Each city celebrates differently, and I admittedly don’t know of any raging parties happening in the Twin Cities (yet) but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate at home with a few close friends and family. We typically enjoy a themed meal or some apps and cocktails at home. This year, we’ll be starting with Sausage Bites with Spicy Cajun Dipping Sauce as an appetizer, then moving on to Cajun Turkey Burgers with Spicy Remoulade as our main course with King Cake Cream Cheese Bites … Continue reading
February 23, 2019
Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler

Laissez le bon temps rouler! Aka “let the good times roll” is frequently heard during Mardi Gras. It’s a celebration of music, parades, costumes, excitement, and most importantly, food. Typical food styles are Cajun and Creole. I have a few recipes to help you get into the spirit and feel like you are in the French Quarter of New Orleans. First up is Cajun Chicken Lazone Pasta. Chicken Lazone is a New Orleans favorite and is a combination of Cajun chicken and comfort food. You start by coating the chicken in a homemade rub. It’s pretty simple to make so don’t let this scare you. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, dip the chicken into the mixture, and set aside. Next, you heat a skillet and cook the chicken until done. Then, make the sauce by adding the remaining mixture to the pan with some heavy cream and allowing … Continue reading
February 21, 2017
Bourbon Street Bonanza

Fun and festive ideas for your very own Mardi Gras Party! We’re a little North of the big festivities in New Orleans, but we can still have our own fun too! First we’re kicking off with our new Kickin’ Cajun Dirty Rice recipe from Chef Melanie! Next up we have our Jell-O Shots complete with Mardi Gras themed colors! Our next dish is Sausage and Chicken Jambalaya, another classic Southern dish, perfect for any Mardi Gras themed party! Now we can’t forget about our desserts! First up we have our traditional Paczki Donuts (Poonch Key)! These delicious treats are available at Festival Foods every year on the Monday and Tuesday of Mardi Gras only! This year they are available Monday February 27th and Tuesday February 28th ONLY! Place your orders now! http://bit.ly/PaczkiDonutLimited Of course, it wouldn’t be Mardi Gras without King Cake, which is also available at Festival Foods on Monday February 27th and Tuesday February … Continue reading
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