Tag Archives: Garlic Butter
September 5, 2022
Oven Roasted Garlic

Any garlic lovers out there? When a recipe calls for garlic cloves, I tend to double to triple the number of cloves used because we love the fragrance and flavor in our house 🙂 Recently, I tried roasting an entire head of garlic that was ultimately combined with butter and other seasonings to spread on warm baguette as a side dish for our meal. It was phenomenal! The recipe can be found here. Start by preheating the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the ends off the garlic heads but keep the head of garlic intact. Does that make sense? You don’t want the garlic cloves to fall apart, just expose the tops. Place each head of garlic on a separate piece of aluminum foil. I like to use 2 or 3 heads of garlic for this recipe. Sometimes the cloves are quite small, or I need extra for additional … Continue reading
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