Tag Archives: Mistletoe
December 6, 2018
Christmas Cocktails

Christmas Cocktails are needed to help get you through the holiday season. Well…they might not be “needed” but they definitely enhance the experience 🙂 And, cocktails should be as important as the food served at any party. A themed cocktail is fun for guests and creates another focal point of the night. I have three cocktails to warm you up when (baby it’s) cold outside. First is a Mistletoe Cocktail. This cocktail is appealing to the eye and something you (or your guests) can enjoy while socializing before dinner. The ginger beer (non-alcoholic) gives this drink a spicy flavor while the sugar rim adds a sweet aftertaste. I said non-alcoholic, but this drink does contain vodka. The ginger beer is what is non-alcoholic, so if you want to skip the vodka and perhaps add a splash of Sprite instead, you can serve this to your underage guests. The recipe can … Continue reading
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