Tag Archives: Spinach Dip
April 2, 2020
Easy Easter Eats

Can you believe it? Easter is right around the corner. With all that is going on in the world these days I’m starting to lose track of time. What is typically a day of family and friends gathering together will most likely be spend apart or perhaps in very small groups. This puts quite the strain on menu planning when you won’t be hosting, won’t be attending the usual get-together, or are just trying to maintain social distance. Not to worry – I won’t let you know down! I have created a menu of simple items you can make at home. Some can be modified depending on the ingredients in your pantry, some can be reduced in size or doubled depending on the number of people in your household, and some make great leftovers 🙂 I’m going to start the morning with Peeps Pancakes and Hash Brown & Bacon Egg … Continue reading
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