Tag Archives: Spring
March 31, 2023
Easter Edibles

With Easter right around the corner, I want to share a few fun ideas for your celebration. I’m strictly sticking with dessert, cocktail, and snack options here. You don’t need me telling you what to bake for brunch or cook for dinner (or where to go out to eat if you prefer) 😊 My family has the same conversation every year about what we’re going to eat…and we always go with the exact same thing as the previous year. It’s tradition, we know what to expect, and everyone looks forward to the meal. I think the same applies to a lot of families out there. So, that’s why I like to focus on the “sides” if you will. It’s themed food that’s delicious, easy to make, and adds to the celebration in a way that doesn’t break tradition yet lets us enjoy something new. So please enjoy the “treats” I’m sharing with you … Continue reading
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