Tag Archives: Tree
December 10, 2020
Christmas Baking

Christmas is a time for baking, enjoying good food, and spending time with family and friends. The holidays may look a little different this year but that doesn’t mean you can’t participate it some of your usual traditions. Take a cookie exchange party for example, you can still bake the cookies but instead of getting together with friends to exchange, you can deliver to their doorstep or ship them. It’s a nice way to say you’re thinking about them and still want to be connected this holiday season. Plus, you can’t have a happy holiday without desserts and plenty of sweets Whether you are making breads, cookies, pies, candy, or other goodies, I suggest you still follow through with your traditions. It will get you in the holiday spirit and bring some comfort to these trying times. I personally like to eat Christmas cookies all month long and even … Continue reading
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