I’m sure most of you reading this are familiar with Jalapeno Poppers, they are such a popular appetizer.  We recently made a batch for a party but made too much of the filling, so I saved it to use on a later date.  Coincidentally, the day I planned on using the leftover filling was cold and rainy, so I didn’t feel like grilling but thought, let’s try them in the air fryer and see how it goes.

The end result?  Air Fryer Jalapeno Poppers that are filled with rich cream cheese, salty bacon, and plenty of melted cheese.  They taste similar to the grilled version but seemed to take a fraction of the time.

The recipe can be found here.

You want to start by removing the tops ONLY of the jalapenos.  Core out the inside and remove any seeds.  Then slice in half (lengthwise) and set aside.

Combine the softened cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, paprika, garlic powder, cumin, and bacon crumbles in a mixing bowl.  You want the mixture to be well blended.  You can use a stand mixer or food processor if you prefer.  Sometimes I think it helps when mixing cream cheese to smoothen it out, and the mixture can be quite thick.

Use your fingers or a spoon to add the mixture to the center of the jalapenos and press down slightly to mold it in place.

Spray the air fryer basket with cooking spray.  Add the jalapenos to the basket (jalapeno side down, mixture side up), and add as many as you can comfortable fit without overlapping.  You will have to work in batches.

Air fry at 375 degrees F for 5-7 minutes.  The larger jalapenos will be closer to 7 minutes and smaller jalapenos will be closer to 5 minutes.  The jalapenos will be tender, and the filling will be warmed through and start to melt.  Use tongs to remove the jalapeno poppers to a serving plate.  You can also place the cooked poppers on a baking sheet and keep warm in a 200-degree F oven while you continue to air fry the other batches.  Keep air frying until all poppers are cooked.

Serve immediately while still hot and enjoy!

The recipe can be found here.

We both like Jalapeno Poppers enough to enjoy them as a full meal but I understand that’s not for everyone.  They make a great appetizer, side dish, or potluck item if going to a party, and I think leftovers reheat well.  Give them a try!  You’ll love the flavor combination and heat from the jalapenos.

Happy Cooking!

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