Tag Archives: Puffcorn
December 13, 2023
Treats for Muggles & Wizards Alike!

The Harry Potter books are something I grew up reading and then fell in love with the movies as they came out in theaters. To this day, we have a Harry Potter marathon at our house some weekend during the winter months to enjoy the films. If you have about 20 hours of free time, I suggest you do the same 😊 Kidding! We don’t watch the movies in one sitting but it is fun to watch them consecutively and within a few weeks of each other to get the full effect. The one thing I struggle with is snacks and beverages. I want something themed to go along with our viewing but don’t always plan ahead. This year, I am planning way ahead. We’re going to enjoy various versions of Butterbeer (IFYKY) and a few themed snacks. Here’s what we’ll be enjoying! Copycat Hot Butterbeer Copycat Cold Butterbeer Copycat … Continue reading
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