Tag Archives: Sugar
July 4, 2023
JAW Ready for This?

Duunnn Dunnn… Duuuunnnn Duun… Duuunnnnnnnn Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnn Dunnnn Do you know what that is? It’s the JAWS theme song because Shark Week on the Discovery Channel is fast approaching 😊 Shark Week is a week-long celebration from Sunday, July 23 – Sunday, July 30, 2023, and features shark themed programming. It’s an incredibly popular week among shark enthusiasts and anyone interested in learning more. I don’t participate in the full week, nor do I spend hours upon hours invested in shark programs, but I do like to tune-in from time to time. There is always something educational or interesting to watch. This year, I’m going to pair my viewings with some fun, festive snacks! Here are my Shark Week recipes: Pretzel Fishing Rods Sugary Shark Sushi Shark Pudding Cups No Churn Shark Infested Ice Cream Pretzel Fishing Rods are your basic pretzel rod with Twizzlers Pull ‘N’ Peel licorice used as a fishing line to secure a sour gummy worm as bait. They … Continue reading
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