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We have some beautiful salmon filets in our store this week and a recipe that is sure to please is Bacon Wrapped Salmon. This recipe uses Tom Douglas Rub with Love – Salmon rub as well as a Savu smoker bag. The salmon rub is brown sugar based and this rub flavors “the best salmon in Seattle” at Etta’s restaurant, according to Northwest Palate Magazine. If you love easy clean up with the bonus of great taste you will love the Savu smoker bag. Our weekly menu also has another salmon recipe for Maple Glazed Salmon, another delicious option! As if we needed an excuse to eat salmon, here is an interesting article A Diet Rich in Fish May Help the Brain. The new Tide “pods” have just arrived in our stores, great pre-measured detergent so no messy cups to measure and spill. Another new item in our innovative bakery … Continue reading →
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