Category Archives: Memorial Day Weekend
September 25, 2017
Chicken Sloppy Joes

Sloppy Joes seem to be a family tradition in many households but we always forget about them when deciding what to have for dinner. They are quick and easy to make, yet fairly inexpensive because you tend to have many of the ingredients already in your pantry. And for those of you with kids, they tend to be a kid-friendly option even for the picky child, so it’s a win for everyone. Needless to say, now that we’ve made them once they will become a recurring meal in our house. I don’t eat red meat so I like to use ground chicken instead. Ground chicken tends to have a little less fat and little more protein than ground beef so it’s also a slightly healthier option. The consistency between the ground chicken and ground beef is very similar, or so I’m told by Andrew because he’s the only one that would … Continue reading
September 22, 2017
Seasoned Chicken Juicy Lucy

One thing I’ve always been curious to try is a Juicy Lucy. I’ve never had the opportunity because I don’t eat red meat so I decided to create my own version using ground chicken. It took some tweaking to get the texture and size of the patty right but the result was yummy! The recipe can be found here. I didn’t want to use plain ground chicken without any seasoning because the burger wouldn’t have much flavor then. I followed the seasoning recipe from the Buffalo Chicken Penne recipe. I use this seasoning mix all the time at home. It’s great on a grilled chicken breast or veggies because it adds a salty flavor with a bit of spice, but now I’m getting off topic! I thought this seasoning would complement the cheese inside the burger nicely. I mean, I had to start somewhere and this was my best option! … Continue reading
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