Tag Archives: Herbed
November 12, 2020
A Socially Distanced Thanksgiving

Can you believe Thanksgiving is almost here? It’s been an interesting year (to say the least), so I’m looking forward to the holidays. Although, the holidays might look a little different this year. We still plan on seeing our immediate families for a nice Thanksgiving meal but will keep our gathering to 4-6 people. We will miss traveling, seeing extended family, participating in some Black Friday shopping, and more this Thanksgiving, but will savor the time we do have with the few we choose to celebrate with…socially distanced with some delicious food 🙂 We are going to start our day with a nice fall-themed charcuterie board. You need something to snack on while you cook, right? If you’ve never made a charcuterie board before, you are in for a treat. They are very simple to make, can include as many or as few ingredients as you choose, and make a … Continue reading
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