Tag Archives: Wine
February 9, 2023
Cupid’s Cocktails & Confections

Valentine’s Day is a few short days away. Do you have plans or know how you’re going to celebrate? A lot of people have set traditions each year and like to go out to dinner or prepare a fun meal at home with their friends and/or loved ones. We prefer staying in and making a meal at home. We feel less rushed, it’s fun to cook together, and we can make something special to celebrate the holiday. Two things I like to focus on when creating new Valentine’s Day recipes is desserts and cocktails. Both will enhance your dinner and make the event more memorable and are required to complete the meal (in my opinion). So, let’s walk through my new recipes and hopefully something will catch your eye to prepare for Valentine’s (or Galantine’s) Day! I’m going to start with the cocktails because 1) they are easy to make, 2) they are delicious, and 3) you need … Continue reading
August 1, 2020
Your Favorite MN State Fair Food…. At Home!

The MN State Fair is cancelled. Those are words I never thought would come out of my mouth, but it’s 2020, and anything is possible this year 🙂 And what a year it’s been! Luckily, some food trucks and vendors are still able to sell their highly demanded food at various locations around town. If you have ventured out and waited in line for any of your favorites – good for you! If you have not, there’s still time. OR…. drum roll, please…. you can enjoy fair food in the comfort of your own home. Just think….no crowds, no waiting in line, no overcrowded buildings, no “sold out” signs, etc. I love the MN State Fair so if I have to miss out on one of my favorite summer traditions, this is as good as it gets. The list of foods we “have to get” is quite long and the … Continue reading
November 11, 2017
A Thanksgiving Feast

I look forward to Thanksgiving every year. Not just for the delicious feast, but because it’s a time to get together with family and friends. For some it’s also about football and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which I too enjoy. I’ve put together a handful of my favorite recipes and ideas you can use to host the perfect Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving. What’s a party without some appetizers? Two of my favorite appetizers for Thanksgiving are Cranberry Crescent Bites and Brie and Apple Crostinis. I think they are sweet and savory but also a little salty. Both fit the holiday theme, are easy to make, and can feed a crowd. The recipes can be found below. Cranberry Crescent Bites Brie and Apple Crostini I’m a huge fan of sangria so I like to make a big batch of Cranberry Sangria to … Continue reading
September 27, 2017

I’ve been excited to write this post since I originally had the idea! Most of my posts so far have been about food but why stop there? I thought I could write about wine…delicious wine 🙂 For the winos and fitness enthusiasts out there, this is something you’ll want to try! It’s called FitVine and is considered “clean wine”. Don’t worry; I’ll explain what I mean by “clean wine” later. It started with 3 friends that wanted to create a wine that fit their very athletic and constant moving lifestyles…so they created FitVine. There are 5 kinds of FitVine available, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir, and Sauvignon Blanc. These wines are very clean tasting and have a lot of flavor but still have the alcohol content you would expect from a glass of wine. They are low in sugar and low in carbs so you don’t feel as … Continue reading
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