Tag Archives: Lollipop

Pumpkin Spice Season is upon us. It symbolizes the end of summer and the start of fall. I know summer isn’t officially over, and to be honest, I’m not ready to say goodbye to warmer weather, but I am going to enjoy some delicious pumpkin treats either way 🙂 I have a few go-to recipes to share with you today. All are themed around, you guessed it, pumpkin spice. It’s hard to say which recipe is my favorite because they are all delicious in their own way. Luckily, because it’s still technically summer and not fall, I have even more time to enjoy them all! First up is Individual Pumpkin Pie Pops. These are miniature pumpkin pies on lollipop sticks, so you eat them like a candy sucker. It combines all your favorite pumpkin pie flavors in an individual size, grab and go treat. The recipe can be found here. … Continue reading →
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