Author Archives: Laura Youngquist

Every time I shop at Festival Foods I have to checkout the Meat Department because they always have a large assortment of prepackaged meal options. You can find bratwurst, burger patties, marinated chicken, pork chops, and much more. One of my favorite things to buy is Crusted Chicken Breasts. They are available in a variety of flavors and are easy to make for dinner because all you have to do is bake them. I bought 2 different flavors during my last trip to the store, Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Tortilla with Cheese Crusted Chicken. I thought it would be fun to do a taste test to see which one we liked better. The first night we had the Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast with a Caesar salad and corn bread (from the Festival Foods Bakery). To make the chicken I preheated the oven to 375 degrees. Then placed both chicken breasts … Continue reading

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I have a secret to share. Andrew and I both love fish but have never made it at home before. Can you believe it? Well, we were feeling ambitious last night and decided to try making grilled salmon. Turns out it was super simple to make! A friend recommended we use a grilling plank because it gives the fish great flavor so we bought Fire & Flavor Cedar Wood Grilling Planks. You can find these by the meat counter at Festival Foods. They are sold in a pack of 2 and you can use each one about 2-3 times before throwing away so you get a few meals out of them. They are perfect for cooking beef, pork, chicken, salmon, and other seafood so you aren’t limited to any one item. The tricky part is planning ahead. You need to soak the plank in water for about 1-2 hours before … Continue reading

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It’s a busy time of year with summer coming to an end, school starting, preparing for fall and all the delicious food that comes with it (more on that later) but we were able to squeeze in one more weekend at the cabin!  We opted for a fairly simple menu because the weather was perfect and we wanted to make the most of the holiday weekend by spending as much time outside as possible. Let’s be honest, no one is up early at the lake, but when we do get up we are ready for some Bloody Mary’s and breakfast.  Our favorite is Tito’s Vodka with equal parts Tomato Juice and Clamato plus all the fixings!  We used Ellsworth, WI Cheese Curds, pickles, and summer sausage for our skewers.  Refreshing and a great way to start the day! While enjoying our Bloody’s we whipped up a delicious breakfast of Belgian … Continue reading

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