Tag Archives: popcorn
August 30, 2021
State Fair Home Edition

The Minnesota State Fair is in full swing. Do you plan on going? I know a lot of people that plan on attending the fair and a lot of people that don’t, for various reasons. I sure love the fair and missed not being able to attend last year. Unfortunately, this year, it’s also not in the cards for me. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some delicious fair food at home, and you can do the same! First off, I want to share with you a link to a blog I wrote last year. The blog is called Your Favorite MN State Fair Food…at Home, because that’s what the blog is about – creating and enjoying all the classic state fair foods in the comfort of your own home. I wrote this blog because the fair was cancelled last year and wanted to give everyone the option of … Continue reading
January 26, 2020
Gameday Goodies

Are you ready for some football? The Super Bowl is right around the corn and I’m sure you’re busy getting ready to host a party or determine what you are going to bring to someone else’s party. It’s always fun to plan food that’s themed for a special event and try to make something unique. When I host an event, I like to have a variety of snacks to choose from; something warm, something hearty, grab-and-go type snacks, and at least one dessert item. This year for the Super Bowl, we are providing the following food options to our guests: Buffalo Chicken Dip with Tortilla Chips Fresh Popped Popcorn from Lauri’s Pop-Corner Pepperoni Pizza Rolls Mini Loaded Potato Skins Ranch Snack Mix Football Cupcakes The Buffalo Chicken Dip is available from the deli at your local Festival Foods. You can always order online ahead of time to guarantee availability. … Continue reading
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