Category Archives: Holidays
November 16, 2020
Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Oven Roasted Turkey

Okay, hear me out! We’ve been seeing this one pop up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for a few years now and decided we need to finally check this out for ourselves: Flamin’ Hot Cheeto® Oven Roasted Turkey Dinner (click this link to go directly to the recipe page). A more unique spin on your traditional Thanksgiving dinner! Is this just some crazy gimmick or is this a recipe worth trying? Continue on to find out! (Spoiler alert: it was great!) The ingredient list isn’t very big, here’s what you need: 12- 15 lbs Whole Turkey, thawed 3 lbs Klondike Goldust Potatoes 32 oz Cheddar Cheese Block 1 8.5 oz Bag Flaming Hot Cheetos 1 Stick Butter, melted Salt and Pepper, to taste Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Remove the neck and package found inside the turkey. Rinse the turkey, … Continue reading
November 12, 2020
A Socially Distanced Thanksgiving

Can you believe Thanksgiving is almost here? It’s been an interesting year (to say the least), so I’m looking forward to the holidays. Although, the holidays might look a little different this year. We still plan on seeing our immediate families for a nice Thanksgiving meal but will keep our gathering to 4-6 people. We will miss traveling, seeing extended family, participating in some Black Friday shopping, and more this Thanksgiving, but will savor the time we do have with the few we choose to celebrate with…socially distanced with some delicious food We are going to start our day with a nice fall-themed charcuterie board. You need something to snack on while you cook, right? If you’ve never made a charcuterie board before, you are in for a treat. They are very simple to make, can include as many or as few ingredients as you choose, and make a … Continue reading
July 14, 2020
National Ice Cream Day

Sunday, July 19, 2020 is National Ice Cream day, and what better way to celebrate than with some homemade ice cream! There really is no better time to enjoy ice cream than a hot summer day! You can obviously eat ice cream year-round but it’s such a cool and refreshing treat during the warm months. With so many flavors to choose from, you’ll be sure to find your favorite. I wanted to do something different for National Ice Cream day so I’m celebrating by making homemade ice cream. I have 5 flavors to share with you today; 3 require an ice cream maker and 2 require a high-speed blender, so you don’t necessarily need all the fancy equipment to make homemade ice cream. It can be super simple and require few ingredients or it can be a more complex recipe with a variety of ingredients. Basically, you can put as … Continue reading
July 6, 2020
Brisket in the Roasting Box

Hello Friends, Today we’re talking brisket! One beautiful (and windy) weekend the family decided to throw a brisket into the roasting box and we made some White Mac and Cheese to go along with it. First, we made our Beef Brisket Rub. The quantities listed were for our size roast, which was just under 10lbs, or about 1.5 Chihuahuas, for perspective. Recipe: Beef Brisket Rub: ½ cup kosher salt 2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons garlic powder 1 tablespoon of onion powder t tablespoon of Lawry’s seasoned salt ¾ teaspoon Cumin ¾ teaspoon Chili powder Brisket cooked to 180 degrees internal Can baste with equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water Meanwhile, we need to prep the roasting box. You start off by just placing your charcoal in a pile across the top of the roasting box. Amount of charcoal will vary. Once ready we lit … Continue reading
April 29, 2020
Cinco de Mayo Celebration

This year, Cinco de Mayo falls on a Tuesday, which is also known as Taco Tuesday, so this is basically the best situation ever! Maybe I’m stretching a bit, but it gives us something to look forward to and celebrate in light of being quarantined. How do you plan on celebrating? We are going to enjoy a nice Mexican themed dinner with all the fixings! Here is the menu: Spicy Homemade Tomato Salsa Salsa Verde Chicken Enchiladas Homemade Churros with Chocolate Dipping Sauce Frozen Pineapple Daiquiri We’re going to enjoy a “Trio of Dip” with Guacamole, White Queso, and Spice Homemade Tomato Salsa. This will be something to snack on while we cook and also to enjoy with our meal. The guacamole and queso are both store-bought. I do have a great recipe for Chunky Guacamole, which can be found here, and White Queso Dip, which can be found … Continue reading
April 2, 2020
Easy Easter Eats

Can you believe it? Easter is right around the corner. With all that is going on in the world these days I’m starting to lose track of time. What is typically a day of family and friends gathering together will most likely be spend apart or perhaps in very small groups. This puts quite the strain on menu planning when you won’t be hosting, won’t be attending the usual get-together, or are just trying to maintain social distance. Not to worry – I won’t let you know down! I have created a menu of simple items you can make at home. Some can be modified depending on the ingredients in your pantry, some can be reduced in size or doubled depending on the number of people in your household, and some make great leftovers I’m going to start the morning with Peeps Pancakes and Hash Brown & Bacon Egg … Continue reading
March 9, 2020
St Paddy’s Provisions

St Patrick’s Day is a fun holiday for everyone! You can usually find some type of celebration around town whether it be a parade, green beer at your favorite bar or specials on Irish food at restaurants. Even if you aren’t Irish, it’s fun to participate in the festivities. We like to watch the parade and enjoy an adult beverage with the dressed-up crowds (the people watching is phenomenal), then head home for a feast! Some years we like to enjoy traditional Irish food but other years we like to take a favorite dish and add and Irish twist. It really depends on what we feel like cooking that day! This year, we are going to enjoy the following menu with friends and family: Reuben Dip Guinness Cheddar Mac & Cheese Guinness Glazed Chicken Sandwich Irish Mule Guinness Brownies The Reuben Dip is our appetizer and something to much … Continue reading
December 20, 2019
French Toast Bake

French Toast Bake combines all your favorite French Toast flavors in one baking dish that is easy to make and delicious to eat! It’s a favorite make-ahead breakfast dish in my household. You prep the French Toast Bake the night before, refrigerate overnight, and bake and enjoy in the morning. Super easy with no fuss! The recipe can be found here. Start by cutting the bread into 1-inch pieces. I like to use either sourdough or French bread. You can buy pre-sliced bread or whole bread. Then place the bread pieces in a greased 9×13 pan. You want the bread to be layered pretty evenly. In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, milk, heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. Pour the mixture evenly over the bread, making sure to coat every piece. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the … Continue reading
December 6, 2019
Yuletide Yummies

Baking is one of my favorite things to do but baking Christmas cookies is extra meaningful to me. I used to spend a few days with my mom in the kitchen before the holidays baking her traditional cookies. It was always so much fun…and something I looked forward to helping with every year. Nowadays, I help when I can, but also like to bake a few batches of my own. I like to create new recipes or put a holiday spin on an existing recipe. It’s fun to be creative and I love hearing reactions to the different goodies. It doesn’t hurt that I have a sweet tooth so if no one else wants the cookies, I sure do! This year, I’m making 5 different holiday treats to share with friends and family. Christmas Cookie “Charcuterie” Board No Bake Mint Oreo Truffles No Bake Butterscotch Clusters Holly Ginger Cookies Homemade … Continue reading
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